  • 土酷CKM
  • 土酷绔云
    动漫秋之回忆于2001上映于日本,由知名演员市道真央,河野日和,安野希世乃,和气杏未等联合演出,秋之回忆大致讲述了:Tomoya Mikami's life changed one day when his girlfriend Ayaka was hit by a car and killed on her way to meet Tomoya. He blamed himself for her death and never was the same after the accident. He began acting callously towards Yue and his other friends. Furthermore, every time Tomoya gets involved with a new girl, he sees images of Ayaka in his dreams. He decides he needs to find a way to say goodbye to his lost love once and for all, while dealing with several side romances at the same time.,秋之回忆在线观看云资源来源于网络,如遇不能播放请自行切换其他资源。